Blog Post

 Visiting Snowdonia Dru Meditation Center 

  • By vips55
  • 27 May, 2017

Last week I was in Wales in DRU meditation center for a volunteering week that surprised me in many ways.


Starting by the place which I would define as wise and ancient as it is more than 625 million years old and used to be near Africa before setting it roots in what we call Wales so I sense it must be a very energetic place (Snowdonia National Park).  Walking through the valley you can find beautiful waterfalls and an amazing sense of peace.  Supposedly it rains a lot and is mostly grey but my experience was of a sunny place which made it more interesting.


It was a surprise for me that I felt really uncomfortable in the beginning, but as the days went by I could understand why people join this family and even decide to live in this community.


They want to change people’s life; they take care of your health having amazing volunteers that cook vegetarian and vegan food with so much love. They provide you with yoga relaxation and meditation during the volunteering week.


They stand for service and peace.  I left this place Sunday from Manchester with an amazing person from Dru, next day I got the news that there was an attack in Manchester in a concert where kids and teenagers went, I felt really touched and just wanted to take action so I would love to share with you my favorite meditation from Maddy Gray the love & kindness meditation.


Send some love to world!!


Click the link below and get your loving kindness meditation

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living life to the fullest!!
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Friendship, mindset do things differently
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Friendship, mindset do things differently
By vips55 August 7, 2017

This morning I was on my usual morning walk and came up with a new meditation from the Chopra center. In this meditation he was talking about how many people don’t have fun and let their inner child out to be creative.

When you are certain age is badly seen to have fun, to draw and be creative, how can you have fun if you have to be working all day, or taking care of your kids?

I remember the look on my mom and dad’s face when I left the accounting university and said your know I will go to Brother Creativity school, I was completely insane for them. A year of just creating, doing collages to songs and worst part sitting on the floor for hours and hours every night. This was 9 years ago and still I remember it as one of the best years of my life. There were a lot of rejections but I felt I had a space to be my goofy me.

Having moments of waking up in the middle of the night with ideas, crazy or not were ideas, I felt I was bringing “sexy” back. I find that at least in my case this has been my love, writing, creating for others, HAVING FUN!

You might be thinking what does Chopra and meditation has to do with being creative and have fun? Well, meditation connects you with yourself allows you to stop and listen. Today I decided to try and listen every day to my inner creative, and set aside a time to have fun!

I must say I love synchronicity as this already started yesterday when I said to my husband after dinner.. do you want to dance and he said YES! Less than 3 minutes of laughing and trying to dance together with our belly filled us with energy and love. Then today I found this meditation, oh I love the signs of the universe!!

I leave you with this link if you want to go through this meditation.  If you don’t feel like meditating you can put a song and set free your imagination… What can make you if you draw, dance or sing for 5 minutes, nothing negative will come out of it. Feel a kid for a minute  sorry for 2.06 min!

If you liked this blog just share it with your friends! If I can help one person today from this amazing view my heart will sing with happiness!

Wish you an amazing day!

By vips55 August 2, 2017
When I set up the subjects our newsletter with Maddy, I didn’t hesitate for a second to write about emotions. I even remember saying it is an easy one I will just write about how my life used to be a roller coaster and how peaceful I am now!
Mmm didn’t come so easy!

I just started overanalyzing the subject and having very emotional days so, how can I really write to you about emotions when I was having this moment. So here I am being myself again and opening up about Emotions.

Being 7 month pregnant and thriving on my pregnancy, emotions tend to be all towards peace, joy, happiness and positive aspects.
What happens when you are 7 months pregnant and just  need your mom to be here with you and she is too afraid to fly she says to you “sorry I cannot do it”, not this time (hallo, there is going to be for this baby only this time!).  Emotions like disappointment, resentment arise which is our attachment to our parents and the fact that they taught us we need to need them, that is OK, we are human we just need to be aware of recognizing it and listening to what is triggering it.

Resisting to it only makes it stronger, so if it feels uncomfortable sit with them for a minute give them space to be there. Get the strength to just LET THEM GO!  Emotions are emotions and whether we like them or not they will be there, let’s try to be aware of them when they arise and also see am I feeding this emotion or letting it go.

It is our choice to feel negative, sad and feel bad which is completely normal if they break your heart, still you need to get everything back together and decide how long I am going to let this emotion get me or be bigger than me.

So when I go on and search for the meaning of Emotion: Woow!  It makes so much sense …

Emotion is any conscious experience characterized by intense mental activity and a high degree of pleasure or displeasure.

Do you know that emotions have a place in our body and so when we let the negative emotions like resentment, worry, guilt , fear take over we can actually get really sick, tired, and stressed leading to a burn out. When we are positive and joyful we feel better and more energized.

So, if it is a conscious experience and it can make us sick, my question to you is, are you being conscious of your emotions today? What are you holding in your heart?

Something that really helped me was starting to meditate, connect with my breath and ask myself some questions. It doesn't need to be complicated you can start by asking yourself the same questions during 5 days:

Ask yourself which was your first thought when you woke up? Did you carry it through the day?
When you meet people what are you talking about? Do you like what you are reflecting?
Do you focus on what is missing or worrying you? Can you redirect this to what you want to invite more of in your life?
Are you complaining? What are you complaining about? Can you let go of these?

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